
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Experience Sun Shorts - The Debt (a sponsored post)

I rarely do sponsored posts.  In fact, I believe that this is my first sponsored post for this year.  However, when I was approached by Nuffnang to share about Sun Life Financial's new campaign - Experience Sun Shorts, I immediately agreed.  You see, the campaign talks about financial education and financial literacy - something which I really believed in and previously blogged about.

My entire family are believers of insurance plans and we have benefited from it.  In 2005, I had the opportunity to do my LL.M. or Master of Laws degree in Georgetown University in Washington, DC.  My parents opted to fund my studies and we decided not to take a loan.  Instead, we cashed out on one of our insurance policies and used the funds for my studies and living expenses.

Meanwhile, Stan's dad was likewise a believer in insurance policies.  He purchased one for each of his 5 children.  I met him when Stan and I were still dating.  But sadly, he never met N or E because he passed away in 2004.  However, because of the insurance policy he purchased for Stan, we were able to use the funds we received to purchase insurance policies for ourselves and our children, in preparation for the future.

The Debt

While I was watching "The Debt", I was reminded of how important it is to be prepared for uncertainties in life.  No one can predict the future.  As explained in this Sunshorts film, there comes a point in our life when we have to face consequences of badly-made decisions - and they can be financial in nature.  In the film, the young man's life is saved because of his dad's insurance policy - giving him the opportunity to continue on, learn from his mistakes and hopefully, improve the quality of his life.

Receiving a call from an insurance agent or a financial adviser usually has negative connotations.  We fail to realize that the insurance agent can help us understand where our finances go, guide us in preparing for the future and yes - as shown in the film - even be the bearer of good news!

While we are young, mobile, healthy and earning money, having an insurance policy is an investment to consider.  My employer promotes this equation: INCOME minus SAVINGS equals EXPENSES.  Definitely, an insurance policy is something that falls under "SAVINGS" and should be the part of one's financial plan.

To know how life can even be brighter, please visit the website 

Sun Life is having a flyaway promo to Singapore, USA, click here for more details -

This special feature is brought to you in part by Sunlife Philippines.

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