I was nominated for the Smart Parenting Online and Sangobion Mommy Blogger Awards contest. When I first received the email, I asked if there was a catch - and the sponsors said no. No need to purchase their products, no need to blog about their products - just ask your readers and fans to vote for you. IT WILL BE A POPULARITY CONTEST. Simple rule: blogger with most votes wins!
Don't forget to check out V.I.P. which is a road map of the "very important posts" on this blog. Thanks for visiting!
Visit Mamaway Store
Saturday, June 30, 2012
OT: Vote for Me!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Guest Post: Baby Leaf's Sendong Experience
Today's guest post is written by Trisha Lim, the mom behind Baby Leaf Diapers. Aside from being a cloth diapering mom, Trisha is also a breastfeeding mom. Trisha is based in Cagayan de Oro City. At the height of Sendong, despite having her store flooded, Trisha stepped up and donated her breastmilk.
Trisha approached me to host a giveaway for Baby Leaf. However, I decided to ask her to share her Sendong experience via guest post. As you know, a very important issue that I am currently focused on is the consolidated House bill which seeks to amend the Milk Code and allow donations of formula milk during disasters or emergency. I want to use Trisha's post to highlight that it is possible to obtain breastmilk donations during emergencies and disasters.
Meanwhile, come back on Monday to join the Baby Leaf Diapers giveaway.
Meanwhile, come back on Monday to join the Baby Leaf Diapers giveaway.
cloth diaper,
guest post
Monday, June 25, 2012
Decoding the Monster Bill - Part 2
Read Part 1 HERE.
*Please note that when I wrote this post, it was originally based on the May draft. There is now a July 9 draft and you can see the quick comparison here - https://docs.google.com/a/chroniclesofanursingmom.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhSdlPvu96IKdFRqYjVkSmZEMldRSTZHaGxzYmJhUXc#gid=0
The monster bill also seeks to limit the advertising restrictions to products targeted to babies 0-6 months (Sec. 32). This means that for products for babies 6 months and up, advertising and promotions shall be freely allowed. There are just so many things WRONG with this provision. Under the current laws, all advertising, promotions, etc. require prior approval or permit from the IAC. Here is the position of the Save the Babies Coalition on this matter:
Allowing promotions for products for six (6) months and above, will cause an irreparable damage to the growth and development of our country. Allowing this does not protect and support breastfeeding but it only favors milk industry gains and commercial interests.This was already surfaced by the late US Senator Kennedy, in 1978, when he himself called for a senatorial investigation on the review of marketing and promotional practices of the milk industry that resulted in requesting UNICEF and WHO to help member countries in developing appropriate measures that will regulate and if necessary prohibit certain marketing practices.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Happy Half-Year E!
Went on a field trip to celebrate E's sixth month. Dad left his camera *gasp*! To prevent mom's temper from exploding, Dad hurriedly tinkered with his camera phone to master the settings and take practice shots. Here's what we got:
Taken using the Samsung Galaxy S' camera phone :)
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Decoding the Monster Bill - Part 1
*Please note that when I wrote this post, it was originally based on the May 2012 draft. There is now a July 9 draft and you can see the quick comparison here - https://docs.google.com/a/chroniclesofanursingmom.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhSdlPvu96IKdFRqYjVkSmZEMldRSTZHaGxzYmJhUXc#gid=0
My Facebook and Twitter accounts have been flooded with updates and messages about killing the monster bill. But I realized that not everyone really understood what it was. You can read the text of the monster bill HERE. The monster bill is a consolidation of 4 bills - namely HB3396 (Bondoc bill which is the good bill), HB3525 (Gunigundo Bill), HB3527 (Noel/Rodriguez Bill) and HB3537 (Mercado/Torres Bill). Click the names of each HB to get to the actual document from the House of Representative (HOR) website. The HOR website also has a summary and flowchart on how a bill becomes law.
My Facebook and Twitter accounts have been flooded with updates and messages about killing the monster bill. But I realized that not everyone really understood what it was. You can read the text of the monster bill HERE. The monster bill is a consolidation of 4 bills - namely HB3396 (Bondoc bill which is the good bill), HB3525 (Gunigundo Bill), HB3527 (Noel/Rodriguez Bill) and HB3537 (Mercado/Torres Bill). Click the names of each HB to get to the actual document from the House of Representative (HOR) website. The HOR website also has a summary and flowchart on how a bill becomes law.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Kill the Bill undermining the Milk Code NOW!
Three weeks ago, I wrote a post about moves from milk companies and certain legislators to water down the Milk Code. For the uninitiated, a strong Milk Code is very important because it regulates advertising of breast milk substitutes - including formula milk.
It has already been established that infant formula ads reduce breastfeeding rates (and thus increase formula consumption). Thus, breastfeeding advocates are concerned about this new "Monster Bill" which reduce the marketing limitation to just babies 0-6 months of age. Meanwhile, formula companies are pushing for this because this will allow them to start promoting their product to babies 6 months up AND participate in mother-baby events.
There is currently an online petition to stop the passage of this Milk Code. Meawhile, Arugaan has come up with a comprehensive letter explaining the perils of this new bill and would like to see your assistance to send this to your legislators and to the media. If you have friends who are Congressmen or Congresswomen or are members of their staff or are in the media, please do send them this letter also.
You can click HERE to see the current list of House Representatives. There is a link to "SEND EMAIL" once you get to the page of your Representative.
Read this opinion column by Atty. Rita Jimeno from today's Manila Standard which explains the dangers of the Consolidated Bill. Meanwhile, see below for the statement prepared by Save the Babies Coalition/Arugaan
It has already been established that infant formula ads reduce breastfeeding rates (and thus increase formula consumption). Thus, breastfeeding advocates are concerned about this new "Monster Bill" which reduce the marketing limitation to just babies 0-6 months of age. Meanwhile, formula companies are pushing for this because this will allow them to start promoting their product to babies 6 months up AND participate in mother-baby events.
There is currently an online petition to stop the passage of this Milk Code. Meawhile, Arugaan has come up with a comprehensive letter explaining the perils of this new bill and would like to see your assistance to send this to your legislators and to the media. If you have friends who are Congressmen or Congresswomen or are members of their staff or are in the media, please do send them this letter also.
You can click HERE to see the current list of House Representatives. There is a link to "SEND EMAIL" once you get to the page of your Representative.
Read this opinion column by Atty. Rita Jimeno from today's Manila Standard which explains the dangers of the Consolidated Bill. Meanwhile, see below for the statement prepared by Save the Babies Coalition/Arugaan
Dangerous Bill in Congress titled "An Act Promoting A
Comprehensive Program on Breastfeeding Practices and Regulating the
Trade, Marketing and Promotions of Certain Foods for Infants and
Young Children" or short title "Breastfeeding and Milk
Regulation Act" is a milk industry masterminded act.
aims to legitimize the multinational milk industry's marketing
promotions and advertising. It hides under the goodness of
Breastfeeding but in truth it perpetuates its stranglehold on the
Filipino consumers by misleading them to become milk addicts from
womb to tomb in the name of profit.
Save the Babies Coalition composed of 100 NGOs, people's
organizations and mother support groups whose majority members are
community-based appeals to the public, policymakers and press to
protect breastfeeding consequently our innate Filipino food and
culture. This is the time to defend the Milk Code that the late
President Cory C. Aquino has signed into law last October, 1986. It
is her legacy in defense of the Filipino generation, our country's
health and wealth.
the Babies Coalition composed of parents and leaders vehemently
protest this insidious Bill that will wreck our nation's economy. A
recent scientific publication Journal of Human Lactation, has shown
that for the Philippines, the
economic burden from infant formula purchase and out-of-pocket
medical expenditure exceeded US $400 Million (P18 Billion) in 2003
alone, its forecasted a much higher amount for the recent years. The
cost mentioned in the article, was aside from other costs, such as
absenteeism and the risk of childhood death and illnesses. These
expenses caused an unnecessary burden on Filipino families and could
instead have been invested in education and other social services.
risks of artificial milk on health for both mother and child is
devastating such as asthma,diarrhea, juvenile diabetes, heart
disease,ear infections,cancer for both mother and child etc. It has
been scientifically proven with evidence-based researches conducted
by scientists with no commercial interest. The working parents and
attending physicians must be supported with updated, complete,
unbiased information not funded by milk industry. A WHO study has
shown that children are introduced/given infant formula if the mother
has seen television advertising of the product or if a doctor has
recommended it. At the same time focus group discussions in the
Philippines (both rural and urban settings) have shown how media
advertisements and sales representatives entice parents on using the
unnecessary product.
milk ads nutritional and health claims are bogus, that’s why the
World Health Assembly has urged governments to ban them. For example,
DHA and ARA are extracts from fungi and algae and can never compete
with God's milk which is breastfeeding, mom-made not man-made.
Breastmilk is perfect, not contaminated. There is no substitute.
Bill wants
to legitimize all milk companies ads claim that the Milk Code's
revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (2006) disallowed. Supreme
Court upheld the Milk Code rIRR in its decision last October, 2007
such as: no health and nutritional claims such as "Gifted
Child", "100% Nourishment/Panatag", "Immunity
Boosters" "All Around Health", "EyeQ", no
donations, no total effects in its products ads example showing
images of mothers with babies and toddlers, no gifts of any sorts
etc. Ads seduction, gifts inducement, false promises glamorized by
celebrities confused the consumers and undermined breastfeeding
power. Thus, the strength of the Milk Code is to protect the Filipino
people from dangers.
Supreme Court's decision on the Milk Code and rIRR has emphasized
that milk company representatives must not be involved in any
policymaking process in relation to breastfeeding/ infant and young
child feeding because of conflict of interest. But the Dangerous Bill
will allow milk companies involvement in all breastfeeding education,
communication and information as well as in the production of
materials. It is like opening the daycare doors to the pedophiles.
three breastfeeding protective laws namely: Milk Code law or E.O. 51
(1986), Breastfeeding/Rooming-In Act or RA 7600 (1992) and Expanded
Breastfeeding Act or RA 10028 (2009) specifically supports working
women to breastfeed successfully at home and at workplace. Guiding
steps showed that breastmilk can be expressed and preserved without
refrigeration at 8-10 hours lifespan and can be given to the child at
home. Thus, RA 10028 protects working mothers for a paid
breastfeeding breaks at 40 minutes. But the Dangerous
Bill wants
to break the rule and punish women not to be able to pursue its
nurturing role with breastfeeding management at workplace.
this Dangerous
Bill bows
to the multinational milk companies mission: Profits over health,
greedy act to amass more sales and bleed the Filipino people to
poverty and malnutrition.
Bill wants
the market share for babies at age six months who should be
developing good eating habits with natural food. After six months of
life, the baby starts to learn to eat with the family food and
continue breastfeeding to ensure optimum health. Breastfeeding is a
nutritious food resource at 6-9 months, it provides 80% energy
calories, 60% for 10-11 months and 40%-30% energy calories for a
toddler and young child.
plead to all the House of Representatives: with your kindness DO NOT
SIGN your names to the Dangerous
it means havoc to the future of the Filipinos. It will damaged the
lives of the vulnerable infants and young children as well as the
mothers who will be dependent on a product of want not need but
will be responsible for the Filipino child who will be sick 25x
(twenty-five times) at risk if on artificial milk feeding?
lose, who gains?
the Babies Coalition calls for public outcry: NO TO DANGEROUS
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Support With Integrity
I'm not sure if you've noticed this button on my sidebar:
In January of this year, Earth Mama Angel Baby launched the campaign "Support with Integrity" pledge to facilitate judgment free breastfeeding. The purpose of this campaign is to not only to promote and normalize breastfeeding but also to remove barriers and build a supportive community as well.
In January of this year, Earth Mama Angel Baby launched the campaign "Support with Integrity" pledge to facilitate judgment free breastfeeding. The purpose of this campaign is to not only to promote and normalize breastfeeding but also to remove barriers and build a supportive community as well.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Praises for the Freestyle
As a working mom, expressing milk is a regular part of my daily routine. Unfortunately, I never learned to efficiently hand express milk- hence, my reliance on electric pumps. For my previous nursling, I used an Ameda Elite at the office and a Lansinoh pump at home. For this nursling, I was able to purchase my Freestyle as a special deal from the exclusive Philippine distributors - MedelaMoms - and I have to say, this product is my top favorite pump! Honestly, I don't agree with the marketing ploys and strategies of Medela - particularly Medela USA. However, I have to say that Swiss technology is indeed superior and the Freestyle pump rocks!
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just pumped |
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tiny Freestyle at work |
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packing my liquid gold for my hungry E |
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getting ready to go home |
And of course, compared to other pumps, the price of the Freestyle is higher. I would think that this price tag comes with the portability and the digital design of the Freestyle. If you are a stay at home mom or a work at home mom, you don't really need to pump frequently, so you can choose different, less expensive pump. There are also other pumps which are also suitable for working moms - which are not as expensive - but are also not as portable.
To be honest, I had long wanted to buy the Freestyle. However, I had issues with Medela USA especially on marketing strategies. They had just introduced the Calma at that time and I wasn't too happy with how it was marketed. Don't get me wrong - I love the products - E uses a Calma nipple! It's just the marketing ethics that I had issues with. Medela Philippines is actually a different company from Medela USA and I am happy that the MedelaMoms are doing their own projects and activities to promote breastfeeding and not just their pumps. I previously did a post on The Medela House which needs an update in view of the increased activities/projects they now have such as a milk bank and seminars, among others.
Ok, I digress - as a pumping and working mom, I use my Freestyle 5x a day from Monday to Friday and once a day on Saturdays and Sundays. Plus, with my experience with N, I expect to pump at work for at least 2 years (of course, with reduced frequency). Hence, I definitely need a sturdy and durable pump. When I stated this concern to MedelaMoms Maricel, she assured me that the Freestyle was most definitely a workhorse and could keep up with my pumping demands.
So far, I have been using the Freestyle for 3 months and it is serving me well. So would I recommend this pump? Most definitely yes to a full-time work out of home mom! It is small, very portable, easy to use and efficient. But if price is an issue, there are other pumps that a working mom can purchase so she can still continue giving breastmilk to her child even if separated for more than 8 hours a day.
To purchase the Freestyle, email Medela Moms or contact them at 09175614366. From Medela Moms mailer: Our products are suited to the Philippine setting of 220v, 60Hz. Don't unduly tax your motor or suffer through sub-optimal pump performance with power sources that are 110v, 50Hz.
breast pump,
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Guest Post: Transporting Breastmilk via Air
A major concern of a mom who travels without baby is how to bring back that precious liquid gold to her baby when she travels back home. My own experience with traveling with breastmilk was not so bad because it was a trip from the US who had set TSA regulations. However, since I was bringing home frozen milk checked in, I had some issues with the dry ice. I decided to use dry ice since I was flying from the East Coast and it would take about 24 hours before I could get home and put the milk in the freezer.
How did I do it? My aunt had an insulated cooler which she saved after she was given some chocolate covered strawberries. I used this cooler and packed with with dry ice. I bought the dry ice the night before my flight from the closest Safeway store. Early the next morning, I was still able to pump and packed the freshly expressed milk along with my frozen milk in the insulated box, placed some newspapers, then dry ice on top. Upon checking in, my box had to be opened. Apparently, when traveling with dry ice, you have to inform the airline in advance and you can only check in a maximum of 8lbs.
Happily, I was within limit and when I got home more than 24 hours later, everything frozen solid - including the freshly expressed milk which was still in liquid form when I packed it.
How did I do it? My aunt had an insulated cooler which she saved after she was given some chocolate covered strawberries. I used this cooler and packed with with dry ice. I bought the dry ice the night before my flight from the closest Safeway store. Early the next morning, I was still able to pump and packed the freshly expressed milk along with my frozen milk in the insulated box, placed some newspapers, then dry ice on top. Upon checking in, my box had to be opened. Apparently, when traveling with dry ice, you have to inform the airline in advance and you can only check in a maximum of 8lbs.
Happily, I was within limit and when I got home more than 24 hours later, everything frozen solid - including the freshly expressed milk which was still in liquid form when I packed it.
breast milk,
guest post,
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Happy 5 months E!
It has been a busy May and since we flew to my hometown of Davao, E's monthly photoshoot was late!
I've said it before and I'll say it again.. it pays to be married to a photographer ;)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Where to Buy: Baby Carriers
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Sleeping in a Maya |
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Love our homemade abel wrap |
Bosom Buddy (see reader's comment below)
Maya Wrap - purchase from Abbie Yabot - 09178292268. Can also purchase from The Medela House
Maya Wrap - purchase from Abbie Yabot - 09178292268. Can also purchase from The Medela House
Indigo Baby (pouch) - special line available in Rustan's
HotSlings - from The Eco Baby Boutique and My Baby and My Sling
Peanut Shell
Lucky Baby or Suppori Sling from Japan
Ruxpin Meitai - purchase from Eden by calling 631-5629
Peanut Shell
Lucky Baby or Suppori Sling from Japan
Ruxpin Meitai - purchase from Eden by calling 631-5629
Soft Structured Carriers
Ergo - brought in by Richwell Trading, available at all Baby & Co. stores
shopping guide
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