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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's up this March?

The Medela House is busy on March 3, 2012 with Breastfeeding 303 in the morning Yaya 101 in the afternoon.  See below for the Medela Moms' detailed posts on the 2 activities:
Join a breastfeeding class that tackles the ins and outs of breastfeeding a toddler, weaning, attachment parenting, first foods, special cases (cupfeeding and relactation) and playgroups, among many other interesting topics for couples planning on long-term breastfeeding. Speaker is PGH-certified lactation counselor Abbie Yabot. Register now! Venue will be the Medela House, 9am, on March 3, 2012. Email to register or text your name to 0917-5614366. Kindly indicate if you will be accompanied for the snacks : )
 Giving birth soon? Just gave birth and having problems with your yaya? About to go to work and not sure if yaya is ready to take over? Does yaya make you feel that you're not producing enough milk for your baby? Put your fears to rest and register your yaya for the Yaya seminar on Newborn Care and Proper Breastfeeding Support on March 3 from 1pm-4pm at the Medela House. To register, email us at or send us a text message at 0917-5614366 and we will give you more details along with registration instructions. It helps if you provide your email address upfront =) Mommies are welcome to attend alongside their yayas as well : ) See you = )
Also on March 3 is a talk by Daniw Arrazola of Bahay Kalipay about water birth and raising a raw food baby.  One of the things I am happy about Erik's birth is that I was able to do it naturally (i.e. no anesthesia :D). Gentle birthing is one of my new passions and IF we decide to go for baby no. 3, I'd like to do a water birth (paging Deborah!).  My family has been also been dabbling in the raw food diet and I'd like to add more raw meals into our cuisine.  Plus I am entertaining the thought of giving Erik some raw foods when he is ready for complementary feeding.  Read more details about the event from the poster at the left.

March 10 is the 2nd LATCH Best Beginnings class for the year. Classes are held from 9-12nn at the Medical City.  Click here to read what to expect during the LATCH classes.   If you're up for some shopping, you can drop by ExpoKid at Rockwell Tent, also on March 10. See poster at the right for more details.

Finally, on March 17, 2012 La Leche League Manila will  be holding its monthly meeting at Mothercare Bonifacio High Street at 1030am.  Click here to read what to expect during LLLI meetings.

In a nutshell, if you are a pregnant mom, attend the LATCH class.  If you are currently a breastfeeding mom with a baby 6 months or younger, attend the LLLI meeting which is quite informal, allowing you to raise your specific concerns.  If you are a breastfeeding mom with a baby older than 6 months, attend Breastfeeding 303.

Hope to see you at one of these events.  Email me if you'd like to share your activities/events (only on topics relevant to this blog please!).
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