
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guest Post: Busting Those Breastfeeding Myths and Beliefs - Part 2

This is Part 2 of a series.  Click here for Part 1.  Part 3 next.

Belief No. 5: One breast contains the “food (or rice)” while the other one contains “water.”
Dr. Calibo:
 “Both breasts contain the same nutrients and composition.”

Belief No. 6: As a mother, I need to “mix feed” because my baby is not satisfied with whatever he/she is getting from me.
Dr. Calibo:
 “Contrary to this belief, the mother’s breasts adjust to the needs of the baby as he/she grows. Unlike milk formula that is the same all throughout, breastmilk is a dynamic substance that automatically adapts to the age, physiologic and nutrition needs of the baby.
If a mother decides to “mix feed,” the needed stimulation for her breasts to continue receiving the suckling action of her baby will be diminished. This will then be perceived by her brain that there is not much demand by the baby.
Breastmilk production is affected by the baby’s suckling and the proper positioning of the baby on his/her mother’s breasts. The interaction of these two factors sends signals to the brain to produce the hormones oxytocin and prolactin responsible for milk ejection and milk production, respectively. Mix feeding is not helpful to the breastfeeding mother.”

Belief No. 7: Mother is sick or is taking antibiotics or other medicines. Therefore, she cannot breastfeed.
Dr. Calibo:
 “There are only two absolute contraindicated substances when a mother is breastfeeding—chemotherapeutic (cancer) drugs and radioactive iodine (RAI).
Mothers who are sick can take their medication. They can breastfeed their babies first before taking their medicines. A mother who has coughs, colds or fever can continue breastfeeding as long as she is reminded to cover her mouth and practice strict handwashing.”

Belief No. 8: I need to wash my nipples (the nipple-areola complex) with soap and water (or just plain water) before my baby breastfeeds.

Dr. Calibo: “This is not needed. Doing this washes away the oils that protect the nipple-areola complex, consequently drying them and making them prone to nipple cracking and soreness.
This also makes it hard for the newborn baby to locate his/her mother’s breasts through the baby’s ability to “smell” the nipple-areola complex.”


  1. Thanks so much for this super informative series of posts...I'm due in April or first week May and this is really helpful!

  2. Is there a Part 3? I'm quite interested with this. :) Thanks for posting!
