
Friday, January 6, 2012

Guest Post and Giveaway: Nursing Twins!

This article was contributed by MedelaMoms Maricel Cua and Beng Feliciano. The exclusive authorized distributors of Medela in the Philippines, these mommies walk the talk! MedelaMom Maricel breastfed her now 6 year old daughter for 2 years and 7 months before she self-weaned. Firm believers in attachment parenting, the Cua couple never had a yaya and are now homeschooling daughter Lia. MedelaMom Beng breastfed her 4 year old son for 2 years and is now breastfeeding her 20 month old twin daughters. Quite the attached parent herself, MedelaMom Beng, together with lawyer-husband Jim, make it a point to dedicate quality time with their 3 children and are homeschooling their 4year old son, Nico. You may reach them for any queries, breastfeeding, parenting, or otherwise (!) at or send them an sms at 0917-5614366. Landlines are 964-7331, 725-3723, and 738-6272

The Blessing of Two

When we first heard we were expecting two
We asked, “Why did God trust us this much?”
Would we know what to do?

Imagine this:
Double plea for cuddle,
Twin call for breastmilk,
Would they at least take turns
Or at the same time, demand’s to the hilt?

Fast forward…
Now they are here,
At 19 months of age
At the breast, is where they still stay.
Summer on the left, Carly on the right,
Yes, that picture is quite a sight!

Truthfully, there is magic with these two,
With each other, the tricks, games, ideas and fun
Kindle laughter and amazement, thru and thru.
Add big brother Nico who nurtures them at heart
And Daddy Jim who treasured them from the very start.

Carly and Summer, we are all enamored by you.
Before our very eyes, it is revealed… the blessing of TWO.

--- Mommy Beng

The best way to prepare for breastfeeding multiples is to prepare for breastfeeding multiples (I can’t stress this point enough!). So here’s a straightforward, no non-sense advice (mommies with multiples don’t have time to beat around the bush, … hahaha)

  1. Secure or prepare a check list of breastfeeding needs. Below is mine.
  • A positive mindset (yes! I can breastfeed two!) with supportive family and loved ones.
  • Knowledge of the various latching positions (I think this would vary for mothers).
  • Medela Purelan 37g- Even “seasoned” breastfeeding moms will experience the drying effect (and eventually the pain that results from it) of a newborn’s suckle. Best to have lots of Purelan. Applying it will be like drinking water, especially in the beginning. First step to not give up on breastfeeding is to have immediate remedy for the expected pain.
  • A high powered Medela pump.
    • Medela Freestyle pump- mom will need the extra hands to comfort baby or babies. Plus, hands free pump can allow the mom to momentarily close her eyes to rest. At the start, mom may feel exhausted from birthing experience
    • Medela Pump In Style Advanced
  • 2 pairs Personalfit shields- all the suckling that the breasts will take may result to greater pain to some so pumping is the ideal option and then mom can let breasts rest (while shifting to cup feeding meantime). To avoid further pain, use the right fit of shields
  • A pair of extra connectors with membranes (for Freestyle)
  • 10 Storage bottles- just for what it is… milk storage
  • 20 pcs. Medela Pump and Save Milk bags (initially) - don’t be surprised if all of a sudden, with all the breast stimulation, mom finds herself with lots and lots of milk! Enjoy that! Have at least one box of Pump n’ save bags.
  • 2 Medela Advance Softcup feeders and 10 cup feeders- it is ideal to latch babies at the same time but just to be prepared for the tough times (if for some reason it will be impossible to latch at the same time), be ready to cup feed until both infants have established their latch. The advantage of cup feeding is that dad, other family members or caregivers can give feeding support.
  • Extra ice pack- at night, mother can already store pump milk in the cooler carrier (best to have 2 ice packs to let them survive through day/night) if a refrigerator is not available in the room.
  • 30 pcs. Medela Bra pads- be prepared for the leaking!
  • Sterilizer
  • Drying rack inside an enclosed bin
  • A separate bin/ basket for all the dry accessories
  • Nursing pillow
  • Nursing bib/cover
  • Nursing wear (more of home wear since you may not find yourself outside the house for quite a while)
  • Comfortable intimate apparel
  • Comfortable wrap (for those delivering c-sec). Mamaway’s binder is heaven sent. Unfortunately, I only found this when I wasn’t using the wrap anymore. No sharp Velcro edges like the ones I initially used and gave up on since they scratch my babies’ skin.

  1. Prepare EVERYTHING in the checklist in advance (while you can still walk and not if and when you are being wheeled in everywhere.... I was on a wheelchair during the latter part of my 3rd trimester). Buying at the last minute or when babies have arrived may be stressful and may lessen milk output.
  1. Make a set-up of where you will breastfeed, system of how all the items used will be used, cleaned (by who, etc.).
  1. Talk to parents of multiples who are well adjusted with multiples.
  1. Invite and welcome the support of loved ones and hired help.
  1. Pray. Know the guardian angels of the children and ask for their help.

When all have been prepared…let go of everything and focus on the arrival of the two (bring out the camera!). Whatever happens, know that you will more than survive having to take care of two. Just remember, what you sow, you reap. Happy breastfeeding!!!

MedelaMoms is also sponsoring this week's giveaway, especially for parents of multiples (expecting or already breastfeeding). The prize will be 20 Pump and Save Bags, packed by 2's.  You can purchase these bags at The Medela House or get a chance to win them through Rafflecopter below.  Please note that this contest is open only to parents of multiples.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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