
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Going Raw (for a while!)

Welcome to the January 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Experiments in Natural Family Living
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have reported on weeklong trials to make their lives a little greener. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.

My family loves and enjoys good food! As long as food tastes good, we used to be unconcerned about health consequences.  Things changed when I had kids.  When N was born, I became more conscious of the food we ate - more so when I found out that S was predisposed to having high cholesterol.  Some changes I did were having weekly organic vegetable deliveries and enrolling my cook in several healthy cooking classes.  
One of the classes I found was a Raw Food Class organized by Dahon Kusina.  It was a weekend cooking class which I was supposed to attend.  But considering that I left the cooking to our helper and rarely stepped in the kitchen (yes, N cooks/bakes more than I do!!), I decided to send our cook G instead.  I felt that it would help our family more since she will learn about the benefits first hand rather than I learn about them then instruct her thereafter - with a chance of losing out on some of the information given.
After that weekend, G was able to whip up some raw food goodness for the family. 
soaked shiitake mushrooms 
raw salad - cabbage, tomatoes with cayenne pepper
california maki
raw pasta (zucchini strips) with pesto 
unfried rice
So how did they fare?  The raw pasta was quite good with the pesto sauce.  N loved the california maki.  However, the other dishes were a bit too spicy for her because the main spice used to flavor the dishes was cayenne pepper.   
I had resolved to have 1 raw meal per week for the family.  Then I got pregnant and with my hormones and appetite going haywire, the 1 raw meal per week experiment eventually got cancelled. 
I resolve to go back to this experiment again - probably try to have 1 raw meal per month first before increasing the frequency.  I don't see my family going 100% raw but I would love to include a regular raw meal in our diet for 2012. 


Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: MamaVisit Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting!

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:


  1. Those dishes look incredible! I've tried raw before, and my biggest problem was getting enough food to feel full. Well, that, and I like cooked food. :) But I like your idea of one raw meal a week — that sounds doable.

  2. I'd love to know more about the unfried rice.  How does that work?  It looks gorgeous - actually, all of this food looks amazing.  

  3. Wow, those actually look good. I think I shall try some. :)

  4. We've gone through spurts of eating raw, but I haven't found great recipes - I'm excited to try some of these!

  5. Rone Valles GuerreroJanuary 11, 2012 at 3:52 PM

    You know I've read so much about the benefits of raw food but I wouldn't be able to do it 100% either.  I love stews and hot soups so I don't think I would survive.  Maybe one cooked meal a day would work.

  6. Those do look good.  A-N-D I'm jealous you have someone to help you cook!  Half the time we eat raw just because I don't have time to cook anything ;)

  7. What is the reasoning behind eating raw food?  Do you feel better while eating raw?

  8. you can read this post for the benefits -

  9. I've been increasingly interested in raw food, but there are a lot of things I just don't think I can eat raw (like zucchini, haha, I'm lucky I can get myself to eat it cooked now :) ). I admire your resolve to eat one raw meal a week! I'm sure you'll get back into it, especially since you have a cook who already knows how to do it!
