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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On Breastfeeding Number Two

This post was supposed to be submitted for the Carnival of Breastfeeding for June.  But hormones got in the way and I didn't make it to the deadline.

When we found out that I was pregnant with baby Flower (nicknamed by N), N was still nursing at night with no end in sight.  I considered allowing her to tandem nurse - then I thought that I had been ready to wean since early this year.  Our weaning experience was quite pleasant and couldn't have been more timely.  A couple of days after N weaned, I had some bleeding and was put on bed rest.  As with my pregnancy with N, the first trimester of this pregnancy is not easy - I throw up the whole day and couldn't eat.  I have already lost about 10lbs.

Plus I am concerned about how my breastfeeding experience with Flower will be.  My breastfeeding experience with N was quite difficult.  Since then, I have become started this blog, collected and read several breastfeeding books, become a certified peer counselor and counseled several moms on how to successfully breastfeed.   And this makes me more concerned about breastfeeding Flower.  What if I will have a more difficult experience than I did with N?  What if I have birthing issues?  Will I be able to breastfeed Flower as long as I did N?  What if I will have an experience like Katie Granju's?

N has been great in reminding me about Flower.  Whenever I get home from work, she immediately gives me a kiss and proceeds to kiss and say hi to Flower too. Admittedly, I haven't been connecting much with Flower this first trimester as I just want it to be over.  I am also concerned with how N will be when Flower is here.  For now, the "threat" isn't real yet so I don't really see any sibling jealousy.  But knowing how I was so into N during the first month, I can't imagine how my first month with Flower will be with N hovering about.

I wonder how moms of multiple kids or even multiple babies handle it?  Have you breastfed more than 1 child?  How different was your experience for each?
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