First is Expomom** at The Rockwell Tent on May 7, 2011. I have been joining this bazaar since May 2009 because it is well-promoted and used to be the only bazaar targeted to moms. However, rates are quite expensive (at least P6,850 for 1-day for a 2x2 booth if you are a mompreneur, signed up for their Mommy Passport and paid 2 months early!) and this is good for one-day only. Plus there is a prohibition on sales of nursing wear - so Mama.Baby.Love and Mamaway clients - in case you're wondering why we don't bring our breastfeeding clothes during Expomom, this is the reason why. If you're interested in joining Expomom, contact Mommy Mundo.
This is why I'm quite happy to see and will definitely be joining 2 more bazaars for May! On the 2nd week of May (May 14-15, 2011), it will be Along Came a Baby at the World Trade Center. Jonie of Mamaway joined the 2009 event and was quite happy. Fee is P9000 (P8500 if you pay before 28 February 2011) for 2 days for a 3x3 booth. If interested, you can contact the organizers for details.
Finally, there is Mommy Diaries on 28-29 May 2011 at the NBC Tent (Fort). This event is organized by The List Group, who also organized last November 2010's Port88 bazaar. Booth rate is P8000 for 2 days with an early bird discount of 10%. I think this is their first time to do a Mommy Bazaar but I do hope they market it well. Interested parties can email the organizers directly for details.

What I like about the last 2 bazaars is that the rates are cheaper (P3600-P4250 per booth per day) AND there is no prohibition on nursing wear/breastfeeding clothes. For Expomom, one of the co-presenters is a nursing wear brand which is probably why they don't allow other brands to join BUT what I don't understand is why there is another different brand that is allowed to join the event? Inconsistent policies don't you think?
Anyway, I'm glad that there are more activities for mompreneurs available out there. I hope the organizers are able to market their events well - but definitely, I will also market the events that I will be joining.
*Disclaimer: I have joined Expomom since May 2009. I will be joining Expomom May, Mommy Diaries and Along Came a Baby 2011 with Mamaway. Unless otherwise indicated, this post reflects my own personal experience.
**I asked Janice of Mommy Mundo for comments on this post regarding rates of her projects and here is her response:
**I asked Janice of Mommy Mundo for comments on this post regarding rates of her projects and here is her response:
We do hope that inspite of Expo Mom being "more expensive" in rental fees, that you will also recognize and somehow appreciate our sincere efforts in supporting and helping promote your business. This is why Mommy Mundo was set up in the first place, and why we thought of coming up with the Mommy Mundo passport, our Cebu and Davao events, and why we have our publications and websites. We work very hard to get the moms to know of us and of you, so that we can all keep our businesses running and we can be happy and fulfilled mompreneurs.:)