
Thursday, March 24, 2011

What a Busy Weekend!!

The LATCH class which was supposed to have been held last March 12, 2011 has been moved to this Saturday, 26 March 2011! This is a free class on a first come, first serve basis. Classes will be at the 4th Floor, Conference Room 1, The new Medical City - entrance is beside Starbucks. Topics include Breastfeeding Benefits, What to expect in the first week, Position and Latching through breakout groups, Back to Work and Busting Breastfeeding Myths. For inquiries, you can call TMC at 635-6789 local 6444. Click here to know what to expect for the LATCH class. This class is perfect for pregnant moms and dads (and yayas and grandparents!)

Meanwhile, if you are already a nursing mom with specific questions and concerns, you may want to attend the La Leche League Meeting (The Breastfeeding Club) at Mothercare Greenbelt 5, Saturday, 26 March 2011 at 11am. Class will be led by La Leche League Leader Abbie Yabot. Attendance is free but please pre-register by texting 0922-8292268 your name and partner's name, other companions if any, baby's age or edd. Topic for Saturday will be nutrition and solids. There is no fixed structure for the meetings and moms are free to ask their questions/issues on the topic. If there's time after, moms can raise other breastfeeding issues and questions. Setting is quite relaxed and this is a great opportunity to meet other breastfeeding moms and share tips, support and concerns. Read about my experience at La Leche League meetings here.

Finally, don't forget to hit the private warehouse sale this weekend. Payments are accepted in cash or credit card (via Paypal - so make sure you register before you go!). I'm participating along with several friends. Check out the posters below for details and to see what's on sale!


  1. applesanddumplingsMarch 24, 2011 at 9:21 AM

    I want go to your sale.. but I have a busy weekend too. I want to attend the LLL meeting too. Busy busy busy! I'll be taking care of 2 babies this weekend. Hope I can squeeze these in.. :)

  2. try to go cai!! it will be a bargain-filled event ;)
