
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ideal Workplace Lactation Room

My office already has 2 lactation rooms. Although they are not our ideal rooms, we're happy that management took time and resources to outfit our office with 2 rooms. We are working towards the
establishment of a third room in another building. Sometime in June, a reader, Bing emailed me and shared that her office will be moving to a new location with a lactation room and she was being given to opportunity to "outfit" the room on behalf of nursing moms! Lucky her!
In one of my email groups, the moms came up with a wish list of items they want in their lactation rooms. I chose my own wish list and split it into needs and wants

- Privacy - a lock or individual pumping cubicles? although can "work" under a nursing cover
- chair - comfy if possible - we have plastic chairs in our own lactation room
- electric outlet - hey i'm an electric pump user and wouldn't want to be wasting those batteries
- table - i want somewhere i can put the pump on and not have to balance it on my lap!
- sink with paper towels
- fridge to store milk - however, in our case, this wasn't included as a "need". the moms just contributed to purchase their own fridge
- closet to store pumping gear so I don't have to bring it back and forth from my work station

And my "wants"?
- Water to drink plus big glasses
- soft and relaxing music piped-in
- drying rack for bottles
- reading materials
- Network cable or wifi access with computer workstations

Other things in the bucket list which I would consider luxurious and over the top!
- Dimmer (for dimming the lights)
- iPod player
- artwork for walls

Some moms added boppy pillows and changing stations for babies. However, I don't think this is applicable to my work place as children are not allowed :( Boo!

Hmmm... did I miss anything? What's in YOUR list?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, like this article as I'm wishing for my company to provide a lactation room for us. That's my wishlist for 2011 :) Any tips on how i could do this?where do i request?etc..
