Last news for 2009
The last news I read about breastfeeding in 2009 was about Taiwan's government who will be drafting a bill to protect the rights of the nursing mothers in public. The fine is NT30,000 or almost US$1,000.00. Such a similar law would be welcome in the Philippines and more so in North American countries. I did say before that Filipino moms should not have to worry much about nursing in public. But recently, with now that Naima is a noisy 2-plus toddler, I sometimes get those "looks" whenever she nurses in public -- which thankfully is not very often.
I am unsure if there are any other Asian countries who are proposing to fine harassers of breastfeeding moms. Kudos to the Taiwanese government for responding to the calls of nursing moms.
First news for 2010
I was pleasantly surprised to read about breastfeeding in a business news website. The article, written by a HealthDay reporter, summarizes the breastfeeding benefits for both mom and baby. Dr. Ruth Lawrence, Chairman of the American Academy of Pediatricians' section on breastfeeding emphasizes how breastfeeding experts focus on "brain growth [and its importance] for a number of years," while those from the formula industry "focus more on how much weight babies can gain with their product."
This will be an exciting 2010. L.A.T.C.H. has several activities lined up (including trainings for more counselors). At my workplace, we are looking forward to the opening of more lactation rooms. Looking forward to more great breastfeeding news!