Two recent news on breastfeeding made me sit up and take notice this week. The first one was about the impact of caesarean births on the length a mom breastfeeds. Almost all of the breastfeeding advocates I've talked to promote normal or epidural free births, saying that this results in an alert baby, encouraging immediate latch-on to ensure a lengthy breastfeeding relationship.
A recent UK study conducted by the University of Manchester and East Lancashire Primary Care Trust, (who followed more than 2,000 mothers receiving breastfeeding help from the same peer support group, to enable a fair comparison of other factors) found that "[w]hat did have an impact was ethnicity, and the number of previous births."
Interestingly, "[w]hite mothers were 70% more likely to stop than non-White contemporaries" and "the relative economic status of the women made no difference, with the poorest as likely to continue or abandon breastfeeding as the wealthiest, nor did it matter whether the mothers were married."
The study also found that "babies who were put to the breast within an hour of being born - as recommended by the World Health Organisation - were not breastfed any longer than those with whom breastfeeding was initiated within 48 hours." But it was the "number of babies a mother had previously delivered impacted upon breastfeeding duration, with women having their third or fourth baby more likely to continue than those having their first."
Meanwhile, a study to be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism concluded that "antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which include such drugs as Prozac and Paxil, may be linked with delayed secretory activation -- a delay in the initiation of full milk secretion."
According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, about 70-80% of new moms experience baby blues with 10% developing into a full blown postpartum depression. I'm unsure if there's a similar study conducted in the Philippines but I do know that unlike in the US, antidepressants are not regularly prescribed to new mothers here.
I would think that the presence of extended family and yayas (nanny) contribute to the low incidence of postpartum depression here - which is probably why there are no studies or news on baby blues or postpartum depression being experienced by Pinay moms.
Despite the abundance of studies on effects on breastfeeding, I find that most of them are not applicable to Pinoy moms. We have certain cultural and lifestyle idiosyncracies that make the experiences of Pinoy moms unique. In my opinion, the most important factor affecting breastfeeding length here would be support from boss/work colleagues for a working mom while the successful initiation of breastfeeding hinges on a supportive pediatrician and family.
Visit Mamaway Store
Friday, January 29, 2010
New studies on factors affecting breastfeeding
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Welcome Home Anya Carissa

Monday, January 25, 2010
Increasing Milk Production
Welcome to January’s Carnival of Breastfeeding
For this month, bloggers are tasked to compile the best breastfeeding blog posts and website pages on a specific breastfeeding topic they are passionate about. In my case, the top question that Pinoy moms always ask me is about tips on maintaining or increasing their milk supply. I edited the standard email I send out to these moms and included several links from webpages or blogs which I believe are particularly useful.
Check out the other bloggers’ posts which will be updated throughout the day and you will get a comprehensive compilation of the best breastfeeding resources arranged according to topic.
Here are my tips on increasing milk production:
1. As you know, baby is more efficient in drawing out milk than a breast pump. So you need to pump MORE TIMES than your baby feeds. I pump before my baby wakes up and I pump during weekends (even when am not working) either before or after she nurses. I previously wrote a post on maintaining my milk supply which outlines my pumping schedule during the work day.
2. Schedule power pumping sessions.A lot of moms swear by power pumping sessions. I've tried it a couple of times and it does add to my output for the day. You can read about power pumping here.
3. Eat well and eat lactogenic foods such as oatmeal, flaxseed, coconut juice. You can find more about lactogenic foods from MobiMotherhood or download a list of foods from here.
4. Take galactagogues (substances that increase milk). Locally, the most common galactagogue Pinay moms use is the humble malunggay. Very rich in calcium and other vitamins, it is plentiful and cheap. If you're a Pinay mom abroad and don't have easy access to malunggay, there are several other galactagogues you can take like fenugreek, blessed thistle, even Horlicks! Kellymom has a comprehensive index on herbs to increase milk and herbs to avoid while breastfeeding.
5. Having a double pump and learning how to balance the pump with one hand allowed me to do breast compressions while pumping. I'm not sure if it does increase production, but my milk output always increases when I do breast compressions while pumping. Although technically, under the theory of "more milk out, more milk production", milk production should increase when you do compressions. According to Dr. Jack Newman, the purpose of breast compressions is to help a sucking baby drink more milk and simulate let down or the milk ejection reflex. You can check out a video on breast compressions from YouTube.
6. In one of my e-groups, several moms also take prescription drugs such as domperidone (locally known as Motilium) or Reglan. Domperidone is said to be really effective but was banned by the US FDA, although pro-breastfeeding doctors have made their position about this matter clear here. I have not tried taking domperidone or reglan to increase my milk production -- the thought of prescription drugs mixing in my milk just scares me. You can read all about domperidone here.
7. Stay hydrated but not overly so. Among the tips I heard about milk supply was to drink to thirst but not more than that. Apparently, too much water can also kill your supply. Read about that here.
8. Finally, the one thing that all new moms forget about but is very important for increasing and maintaining milk production is to rest, relax and sleep!
Check out the other compilations here:
Breastfeeding 1-2-3: Thrush and Breastfeeding
Good Enough Mum: Filling the Information Gap
Baby Dust Diaries: Inspiration For a Nursing Mama's Soul
Hobo Mama: Full-term breastfeeding posts and pages
Motherwear: My favorite web resources for some common breastfeeding concerns
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The cup of life

Human milk has no substitute. Breast milk also has immunoprotective properties that fight against life-threatening infections like sepsis, pneumonia, diarrhea, and enterocolitis. It likewise has components, which help the newborn’s intestinal tract to mature, allowing for easy digestion, better absorption, faster growth, and better health. Plus, it also has nutrients in a combination that no artificial product can duplicate.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A Nursing Mom's Shopping Guide - Update on Clothes

This is the newest clothing store that is focused on pregnant and nursing mom. Run by Audrey Chua Uy, they are the exclusive distributor of the Mothers En Vogue line from Singapore. Mothers En Vogue is a very popular but pricey line and their designs are very stylish. Au Lait is a free standing store located at 34 Wilson St., Greenhills, San Juan, with store hours from 11 am - 8 pm (Monday - Sunday).
Another local brand which is owned by co-N@wie Hannah Ballarta. I think her family owns a fashion house and she branched out to create a nursing line. Her line is displayed at their sotre located at GF Waypoint Building, 4 Bayani Road, Phase 5 AFPOVAI, Fort Bonifacio Taguig City (beside AFPSLAI).
A couple of nursing tanks from the Fresh Mums brand, as well as locally-made maternity delivery gowns are available here. I first saw them during the St. James Bazaar. This store also carries Milk Bands which are nursing bracelets to help you remember which side baby last nursed on, how long the session was and what time.
I already previously covered other brands such as Mamaway, Blissful Babes, Plume, Mommy Matters and Bosom Buddy in my first post. Check it out here. Let me know if I missed out a brand or store!
I think it is a great thing for nursing moms to have a variety of brands available. When I was a new nursing mom and attending classes, I was always on the look-out for other moms wearing the same top as I was (it happened a couple of times) since there was only 1 popular brand then. But now, the influx of various brands allow nursing moms to cater to their fashion whims while still being able to comfortably nurse in public :)
All About Malunggay
Clothes, clothes, clothes!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Preemies and Breastfeeding
It was only today or more than 1 week after she was born that Anya was held by her parents. Since she was born, she was placed inside the incubator, with her parents just being allowed to hold her briefly through the holes of the incubator with gloves. Just recently, ABC News ran a story about how premature babies get lift from kangaroo care that helps give moms (and dads) purpose. It was actually identified as one of the greatest gifts NICU staff can give the preemies' parents. Then again, the article goes on to discuss about how some doctors draw the line when the baby's on a breathing tube -- and don't allow kangaroo care.
Baby Anya had been either on canula (oxygen tube) or ventilator since she was born. It was just last night when her breathing tubes were removed. Maybe this was why kangaroo care was only practiced by Anya and her parents today.
In the course of my breastfeeding career with Naima, I have donated gallons of milk to different babies - singletons, twins, triplets, preemies, full-terms. Except for the milk I donated to the PCMC and PGH milk banks, I'm pretty sure that my milk was not pasteurized before being fed to the babies. Dr. Z again reminded me that the safest alternative to mother's milk is pasteurized donor milk OR directed donor milk from a screened donor.
I tried checking with UP-PGH on how to get my milk pasteurized for Anya but was unsuccessful. The PGH milk bank has a huge pasteurizer which runs only when they have collected 71 8oz. Dr. Edwards bottles. This is equivalent to about 568 ounces and they were nowhere near that! (side note: if you have extra milk, now would be a good time to donate -- PGH continuously accepts donated breastmilk). Even if I donate all my old stocks of milk in my freezer, we still wouldn't be able to run the pasteurization machine.
I still collected milk once daily and whatever milk I collected was stored in the NICU freezer for Anya in case my sister couldn't express enough. I felt that my milk also served to boost up my sister's confidence and prevent her from stressing too much about her milk production. Since she was relaxed when pumping, she was able to make enough for Anya's demand and so far, it was only once that they had to give Anya my breastmilk.
Once her IV tubes are removed, she will be transferred to a transition room where my sister will be allowed to try direct breastfeeding. Hopefully, Anya's improvement will be continuous and we will be allowed to bring her home by the end of this week.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Breastfeeding Classes on January 2010
Location: Organics Asia, Inc., Unit 401 Emerald Place, 604 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig City
- Directions to Location: Coming from Edsa Central side :
- Take Shaw Blvd going to Capitolyo-C5
- At the 2nd stoplight, you will pass by Tropical Hut - 10q store (this is at corner Pioneer St.)
- You will see Caltex and then Pan de Manila
- 604 Emerald Place Bldg is right after Pan de Manila
- There is a Ganzklar Signage at the ground floor
Please proceed to elevator for unit 401 Organics Asia Inc. Parking is very limited - most of the time there are no available slots.