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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Reasons why today is not a good day

1. Naima has a stomach bug.
Yesterday was a pretty exciting day because we found a play school for Naima which looked promising. It was not too far from home plus one of Stan's friends was a teacher. Naima went for the first of her 3 trial class days yesterday. She had fun and all was well - or so I thought. Late afternoon, Naima's yaya called me. She had been vomiting several times since she woke up from her afternoon nap. She didn't have problems eating but 30minutes to an hour later she throws up. The vomiting until this morning so Stan and I decided to have bring her to her pediatrician.
Naima's 2 regular pediatricians were out of the country so I had to look for someone to check her. We had a health card for Naima through my company so I initially wanted to use that in making the pediatrician's appointment. But it will take about 45 minutes to wait for the health card referral, plus more waiting time at the doctor. With Naima vomiting almost every 2 hours, I decided to take her to the ER instead.
I was happy that the ER accepted Naima's health card. Her health card also covered the urinalysis and fecalysis that were done for Naima. The ER doctors didn't find anything wrong as she was not listless, had no fever, ear infection, sore throat and her lab results were all normal. They gave her domperidone and hydrite to be administered every time she throws up. This is the first time that Naima got a stomach bug and Stan and I are really worried :-c.

2. Aunt Flo is back.
After almost 29 months, my period is back! Yes, I didn't have any period since I got pregnant with Naima - and I enjoyed it! Now it's back and came on the day when Naima is sick!

3. Tita Cory has passed on.
Corazon C. Aquino, the first Philippine woman president passed away at 3am today. She was a symbol of democracy in the Philippines, is admired and serves as an inspiration for many Filipinos. She had been battling colon cancer since last year. I was still in grade school when she became president and remember wearing yellow and making the "L" sign to symbolize support for her party "Laban". During these past few weeks, several healing masses had been organized for her. At least, she is now at peace with her husband, Ninoy Aquino, recognized as a modern-day Philippine hero.

4. A typhoon is entering the country and it's been raining really hard.
To make matters worse, it has not stopped raining since dawn today. The weather matches the sadness of this day. Three typhoons are predicted to hit the Philippines this August. Hopefully, these will be mild not super typhoons and will not result in huge damage to the country. Although this year's WABA theme is breastfeeding as a vital emergency response, I do not want to apply this in my own real life.
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