Father's Day 2008 was very memorable for us - not only was it Stan's very first father's day, it was also Naima's 1st day of trying out solids. Prior to that, she was exclusively on breastmilk. I read a LOT on how to start solids. The general idea I got from my research was NOT to start a baby on solids earlier than 6 months. Although this statement is supported and promoted by the World Health Organization, there are still a lot of doctors who recommend starting babies on solids at 4 months, especially if these babies are on the lower percentile of the formula-fed babies based growth charts.
During a visit to one of Naima's former pediatricians, I was able to get an "Infant Feeding Plan" produced by our Department of Science and Technology's Food and Nutrition Research Guide.

I was happy that the plan promoted solids at 6 months and not at 4 months. There have been studies which state that starting solids before 6 months increases risks of allergies but despite these findings, there are still books or doctors who suggest that babies start solids at 4 months, especially when the baby is *off* the infant growth charts (which are based on formula-fed babies). Also, Kellymom believes that starting solids too early and feeding baby too many solids often results in the early weaning of breastfed babies.
The plan also provides a list of locally-available foods that you can feed your baby. I think the use of indigenous foods for complementary feeding is very important. However, I think Filipino moms are not that well-educated or there is lack of information on what indigenous foods are available and can be used for complementary feeding.
I also don't know much about indigenous foods and the indigenous foods (that I can recall) we fed Naima would include: camote (sweet potato), banana (lacatan and tundan), sayote (is this indigenous?), papaya, calabasa (squash) and monggo. Naima has been eating a lot of vegetables, like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, asparagus --> which are all locally grown but are not indigenous to the Philippines. Not knowing much about indigenous foods is one of my challenges towards crafting a healthy meal plan for my family.
In preparing for Naima's first solids, the websites Wholesome Baby Food and Homemade Baby Food were very helpful. I ignored the suggestions to start at baby's 4th month but instead used their charts, starting at 6 months. I like that the foods are organized according to baby's age and meals. There are also suggestions for menu planning. Kellymom and Mother-2-Mother were also very helpful as they focused on the breastfed baby. Aside from the internet, I also use The Big Book of Recipes and Feed your child right - a book for Asian Parents.
It should also be noted that contrary to popular notion, starting solids does not mean that breast milk (or even formula milk) intake should lessen. Solids are only meant to COMPLEMENT the milk feeding and not replace it (*note how the guide above is called "Complementary Feeding Guide"). Kellymom has an excellent explanation on complementary feeding and also recommends that babies be given solids an hour after nursing.
Naima's first food was avocado, mixed with breastmilk. I chose to start with avocado and not am or lugaw (rice porridge) because my readings showed that avocado had more nutrients than rice. I followed the 3-day rule (feed baby same food for 3 days to check allergies). Happily, Naima did not seem to be allergic to any food.
Naima has never tasted Cerelac and I don't plan on giving her any. She also hasn't tried Gerber but has eaten about 3-4 bottles of Earth's Best, given to her when we were traveling and had no access to cooking or a kitchen. Before Naima was one, I did not want to give her any restaurant food and we usually packed her meals to take along during our meals out.
Starting solids is an exciting milestone which must not be rushed. It is now a little over a year since Naima started solids. Now, she pretty much eats anything EXCEPT shellfish. As she grows older, her menu choices expands but so does her palate/taste preferences. There are days when she eats A LOT and days when she just nurses and nurses. We are now facing the challenges of feeding a finicky toddler.
great post
What I especially like about this post is that you highlight that solids do not take place of breastfeeding and that while 6 months may be a good time to start solids it should still be up to each individual baby's signs of readiness. Those are such important points and ones that I wasn't really aware of as a new mom until I got much closer to the six month mark. I knew I would keep nursing my oldest while she was trying solids but I thought we were supposed to cut down and that the food she consumed would take the place of the breastfeeding. New moms can be such babies themselves when it comes to knowledge about this stuff! ;)
Hi, do you have a schedule on when to feed a baby? My baby will be 6 months on may 16 and I really need help on when and how much she should eat. Thanks
hi faith! i would recommend you visit this website
http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/babyledweaning.htm i got a lot of tips for starting solids there. on how much to eat/schedule - check this -
http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/howmuchbabyeat.htm hope it helps!
Thanks Jenny! :) Just wondering, aside from the avocado what else did you give? :)
hi faith! i just chose from the wholesomebabyfood guide. i followed the 4-day rule. we did carrots, broccoli, cauliflowers, sayote, potatoes, fruits
Hi Jen! When my baby turned 3 months old, his pedia suggested that we start giving him fresh fruits and fresh juices so that by 6months, he wont have difficulty adjusting to solid food. My understanding is that breast milk will just supplement the solid foods we are giving him. also, my baby's intake of milk has lessened when he started eating solid food. Should I reduce his solid food? He is 7 months old and we give him solid foods 3 times a day (regular meals) and milk in between and at nights.
your pedia is strange!! it is quite the opposite - solids is supposed to COMPLEMENT the breastmilk or formula milk. for kids 0-12, main source of nutrition is breastmilk or formula. click the link to kellymom and even our own infant feeding plan from the DOST says the same. the small print from DOST says - Complementary foods should NOT be the mainstay of your baby's diet.
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