When I was having supply issues, I never considered getting breast milk from another mom. Instead, we gave Naima formula. Since I started working and pumping at work last year, I've lost count of how much milk I have donated. Based on the Lansinoh, Nanny, Avent, Gerber and Playtex milk bags I've used up, I would believe that I have donated more than 400 6-8oz. bags of milk -- and this excludes the milk sticks which we stored using Sensible Lines storage system. Wow!! If I placed my milk in the black market, at current exchange rates, I would've gotten almost P1M for it!
Tempting.. but since I freely produce the breast milk, I find it unsettling to sell something which I know I got for free. Plus, I know the frustrations of not being able to feed your baby breast milk. Now that my supply is abundant, I feel happy whenever I have some extra to give. I also try to be a good donor by having all my tests ready when the donees ask for it.
I think having someone else wet-nurse my baby is something that I won't agree to - I will be very jealous of the wet-nurse and her closeness with my own baby. I also think I will feel very insecure knowing that someone else is performing my role in my baby's life. I probably will accept breast milk from friends but I don't think I am open to the idea of buying breast milk for my baby. I just find it wrong to sell something that you created for free and what you're selling is something that a desperate person is looking for.