
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Setting Up a Lactation Program at Work, Part I

I met with C, a media officer, at our GFI. Because of the efforts of F, she also attempted to write and promote the establishment of lactation rooms. She went one step further and prepared a powerpoint presentation. It was impressive. She was able to compile comprehensive employee data and relevant Philippine information on breastfeeding.
On my end, utilizing my skills as a researcher, I came upon this site, aptly titled "Breastfeeding Pinay," which had information on developing lactation support programs and establishing lactation rooms in the Philippine setting.

I was also able to access the US Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and found a wonderful toolkit entitled "The Business Case for Breastfeeding: Steps for Creating a Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite." It was a comprehensive kit and contained several materials for establishing breastfeeding friendly work places, including booklets for business and HR managers, employee's guide, outreach and marketing guide and several reproducible materials plus CDs. I took a chance and requested for a copy and luckily, I was sent 1 kit. :)
With the tool kit and the powerpoint presentation, C and I met to discuss our next step. She gathered the research I made for inclusion in her presentation. Since she was sector representative in our employees' union, she was able to talk to our union president and obtain his support for our advocacy. She promised to schedule a powerpoint presentation on the next employee's union meeting. Updates on our presentation to be posted next.


  1. Good luck, I hope you'll be able to convince the higher-ups to set up a lactation room!

  2. thanks! and i hope the lactation program will be set up before I have my next baby :D
