Slinging and feeding - April 6, 2009
Milk Warmers - February 11, 2009
No Time - November 15, 2008
Hands Full - August 8, 2008
The Power of BM - August 5, 2008
Bull's Eye! - December 8, 2007
Momivore - August 23, 2007
Pool Pumping (from 10 years and still in diapers, Baby Blues compilation)
Baby's Faves - August 24, 2006
Baby's Faves - January 30, 2006
Ouch - July 14, 2005
Busy Mom - April 24, 2004
Nosy - December 15, 2003
Trash those coupons! - July 27, 2003
Dinnertime - February 20, 1996
Solids Blues
Here are other comic strips on nursing
Nursing in Public (Rubes - April 24, 2008)
Sounds of the Night (American Elf - December 13, 2007)
Breast is best comics series (Ben)
Will be adding more links to comics as I find them.